Sunday 22 January 2012

Just A Update

Hi Loves!

I just wanted to update you all with my lack of posts lately! I wanted to do a post this weekend, but wasn't able to since studying has taken over lately! :(
I am in the middle of my 1st semester final exams, so my time has been spent on studying! However, my exams end Wednesday so I plan to have a new post Wednesday night, and a lot more to come after that!

I also saw this cute video on Youtube about how to get Barbie - Hair. I thought I would post it here for some tips :)

I can't wait to start making a bunch of posts in the near future!

Be sure to click here to follow me on twitter too! :)

Stay Beautiful xo,


  1. that was mad!! lol
    i like your signature :)

    <3 :D

  2. i have been caught up with finals too ! good luck on them!


  3. LOVE the video! So much love for barbie haha! xx


Thanks so much for your comment! Mwah♡